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All volunteers must agree to the Starosy Foundation’s Terms and Conditions prior to traveling abroad. Please contact us for more information. Please read all provisions of this Release and Waiver of Liability and Participation Agreement (the “Agreement”) carefully before signing.

Starosy Foundation Terms & Conditions

1. Applications:
  •  Applications. Applications for participation in all Starosy Foundation (SF) outreach programs are accepted throughout the year and are based upon limited availability. International trips take place during spring breaks. We will secure the position in the program for successful applicants upon receipt of application. Deposits will be refunded to all unsuccessful applicants. The Starosy Foundation will contact all applicants within 14 days of receipt of a completed application. Applicants will be informed of their acceptance into the program for which they applied.
  • Application Instructions. Individual volunteers, please fill out the volunteer application here and pay your initial deposit of $200 here.
2. Deposits and Program Fees:
(a)  Deposits. Deposit deadlines are different for every program in the various Starosy Foundation locations. Please contact SF for more information. Airfare is typically cheaper when purchased 2 months or longer prior to departure. All registration and program fees required to participate in the SF programs are due in full no later than two (2) months prior to trip departure.
(b) Non-refundable Fees. The first $200, plus any funds already spent (such as airfare), are non-transferable and non-refundable. The Starosy Foundation incurs substantial administrative and planning costs prior to the start of each program. It takes approximately eight weeks, or sixty (60) days, of planning prior to the trip. No funds are refundable because SF is required to pay in-country costs such as local destination flight, ground transportation, and so on.
(c) Program Fees.
Airfare prices can vary widely depending on the season. The Starosy Foundation’s high season is in the months of January, July, August, and December. If any of a team’s trip days fall within that range, the high season program fee applies.
The SF program fees include but are not limited to the following:
(1) local transportation to and from the airport in the host community;
(2) food and lodging in the host community;
(3) working with  local partner organizations;
(4) gaining valuable international experience;
(5) living in communities with sf staff and other volunteers;
(6) orientation in the host community;
(7) access to 24/7 hour support staff; and
(8) access to support staff prior to departure.
The program fees DO NOT include (1) passport or visa fees; (2) independent travel before, during or after the program; (3) meals, lodging, and transportation during independent travel; (4) personal expenses; (5) airfare.
Additionally, program fees may change without notice due to currency exchanges in the host community and the nature of international travel.

3. Acknowledgment and Acceptance of Risk/Informed Consent:
The Starosy Foundation makes every effort to protect the welfare and safety of its volunteers and participants in its various outreach programs. However, participation in these programs is voluntary, and there are certain inherent risks that may be involved. As volunteers and participants understand and concur that neither SF, or its delegate, representative, employee, directors, specialist, nor any collaborating foundation, accepts any accountability for harms to or loss of property, individual illness or damage, or death while participating in the program. By voluntarily participating in this abroad outreach volunteer program, volunteers freely undertake any risk associated with or arising out of traveling, engaging in community service, and living abroad. More so, volunteers acknowledge that it is their responsibility to review U.S. State Department Travel Advisories, admonitions, or other information available through the U.S. Department of State and liberatingly postulate any and all risks that may arise, concern, or relate to the conditions contained in any advisory’s verbal expressions, admonishments or other information. Volunteers acknowledge that they are free to seek out any additional information related to their travel abroad plans. Volunteers agree that, as a condition of participating in any program outside of the U.S., their decision to volunteer abroad is solely their choice and that they voluntarily bear all cognate risks concerning such activities, including the jeopardy of needing supplemental information upon which to make an informed decision about whether to participate in such activities.

4. Donations:
A majority of the donations will be used to purchase compulsory medical supplies and medications to be utilized in the international host countries. SF encourages volunteers to make donations. Any donations made by or on behalf of a volunteer to any medical supply store or dental supply finance are non-refundable donations.

5. Travel Documents and Indemnification:
Volunteers concur that it is their responsibility, and a condition of participation in the SF’s program, to ascertain whether they have adequate health and contingency coverage and to procure adequate health and contingency coverage, and any other indemnification coverage as they may deem indispensable. Additionally, the volunteer understands that it is their sole responsibility to review such inclusion and obtain any supplemental coverage that they deem congruous. The volunteer understands that they must possess a valid passport for acceptance into the SF’s program. Additionally, the volunteer understands that they are responsible for any costs associated with passports, visas, ingression fees, airport taxes, obtaining necessary travel documents for traveling, and changes to flight itineraries.

6. Program Changes and Cancellations:
The volunteer understands and accedes that, albeit SF will endeavor to maintain the program as described in its publications and brochures, it reserves the right to alter the program, which includes the itinerary, travel accommodations or arrangements at any time and for any reason, with or without notice, and that neither SF, nor its representatives, agents, employees or directors shall be liable or accountable for any expenses or losses that they may sustain because of these changes.
Furthermore, SF reserves the right to cancel any program if SF deems it unsafe for a volunteer to travel. SF is not responsible for other costs incurred by applicants preparing for the trip. Should a program be canceled by SF, then SF will refund all fees paid, less any fees associated with flight tickets. However, if a volunteer cancels for any reason other than the aforementioned, SF will not refund any fees.

7. Removal from Program:
The volunteer understands and agrees that SF reserves the right to withdraw the volunteer from the program at any time, if they fail to follow SF’s policies or if their actions or behaviors, at the sole discretion of SF, or employees, directors, agents or officers, is determined to interfere or to hinder the progress of the program in any way.

8. Waiver, Release, and Hold Harmless:
I understand and concur that there are ineluctably foreordained risks in travel involved in traveling abroad, albeit SF has made every plausible effort to guarantee my safety. I hereby perpetually and absolutely waive and relinquish any and all claims against SF, its representatives, employees, officers, directors, and any program organizer or operator employed by SF (collectively, the “Releases”), arising out of or relating to my participation in the program, including but not circumscribed to claims for any injury, loss, damage or contingency; delay or expense resulting from the utilization of any conveyance, any strikes, war, acts of terrorism, weather, sickness, quarantine, regime restrictions or regulations or arising from any act of omission of any steamship, airline, railroad, bus company, taxi accommodation, hotel, restaurant, school, university, or other firm, agency, company or individual or any other cognate matter. I also release the Releases and assent to indemnify and hold them innocuous, with reference to any financial obligations or liabilities that I may personally incur or any damage or harm to the person or property of others that I may cause while participating in the outreach program. Furthermore, I concur that the Releases are not in any way responsible or liable for any harm or damage that I sustain as a result of my own negligent acts.

9. Local Laws and Prohibition of Illegal Drugs:
I understand and acknowledge that breaches of the local law of the host community or country will be referred to and handled by the law enforcement authorities. I further acknowledge that the utilization of illicit drugs in any form will not be borne and will be grounds for immediate removal from the program and total forfeiture of all program fees, regardless of the laws of any foreign country. I understand I will be subject to the laws of that country while I am a visitor in the foreign country.
10. Operation of Vehicles and Independent Travel:
I understand that the Starosy Foundation vigorously dissuades volunteers from operating vehicles while participating in abroad programs. I fully agree that
(1) prior to the commencement of the program,
(2) during a period of program leisure, and
(3) after the program completion date, I may elect to travel independently at my own expense. I consent to apprise the program representatives of my travel plans and understand that I will be solely responsible for such travel during any leisure. I comprehend that poor road conditions, different traffic regulations and laws, and varying indemnification requisites can make driving motor conveyances in foreign countries prodigiously hazardous and is not recommended by SF. If I rent or operate a conveyance, while participating in any abroad program, I accede that such activity is totally voluntarily on my own and against SF’s advice.

11. Health and Safety:
I represent and warrant that I have consulted with a physician or will consult with a physician regarding my personal medical needs prior to participation in the SF outreach program. Further, I affirm that there are no physical or noetic health-cognate ailments or special dietary requisites or restrictions that would preclude or restrict me from safely participating in the SF’s program.
(b) In the event I suffer any injury or illness while participating in SF’s program, I hereby sanction the representative of SF, at my expense, to secure indispensable treatment, including but not circumscribed to the administration of an anesthetic and surgery, and such medication as may be prescribed. It is further acceded that if my condition so requires, I may be returned to the United States at my expense. I further postulate any and all risks associated with or arising from any such medical treatment and accede to waive any and all claims that I might assert against SF, or its delegates, representatives, directors, employees, or agents for such medical treatment. This consent to medical treatment does not constitute an obligation on the component of SF to secure any such treatment on my behalf. Additionally, I acknowledge that at times during the program I may be many hours from the nearest medical care or treatment center with available medical treatment and the quality may not equate with the caliber of care available in many U.S. hospitals. These conditions and the remoteness of some of my travel may impose some additional risks of injury, harm, disease, death or damage to my personal property; and, that any injuries or damage I do sustain may grow more rigorous or could lead to my premature death as well as, the lack of expeditious access to quality medical care in some instances, and/or the poor quality of the roads or available conveyance in some areas.
(c)  I understand and hereby acknowledge that I have meticulously reviewed and totally understood the directives and recommendations, including recommendations concerning immunizations and medicines for peregrinate to, in, and around the country I am traveling to provided by:
(i) the United States State Department, which issues Travel Warnings, Travel Alerts, and Country-Specific Information at:
(ii) The World Health Organization; and
(iii) The Centers for Disease Control via the International Travelers Hotline at 1-877-FYI-TRIP (1-877-394-8747) or at

12. Image Release Form:
I consent and sanction STAROSY FOUNDATION (“SF”), its successors, assigns, and legal representatives the irrevocable and unrestricted right to utilize my denomination, photograph, image, audio recording, video recording, and/or the like (the “image”) in all forms and manner, including but not limited to photographs, videos, or other digital media of its publications, including Internet web-predicated publications, websites, promotional material, or for any other kindred purport, without payment or other consideration to me.
I hereby irrevocably sanction SF to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute these images for any lawful purport. I understand and concur that all images will become the property of the SF and will not be returned. I waive any right to inspect or approve the culminated product wherein the image appears. I relinquish and waive any claims or right to royalties or other compensation for ownership of such photograph(s), audio, or video recording(s) of me.
I hereby hold innocuous, relinquish, and forever discharge SF, and its owners, officers, directors, successors, assigns, and legal representatives from all demands, claims, and causes of action which I, my heirs, delegates, executors, administrators, or any other persons acting on my behalf or may have arising out of or in connection with this sanction.

13. Covenant Not To Sue:
I promise and concur that I will not take legal actions against Starosy Foundation, or any of its subsidiary, officers, directors, agents, employees and cognate entities, or its insurers for any damages, claims, suits, costs, cause of actions, losses, claims, complaints, causes, including those resulting from any illness, injury, and/or death. I further accede that SF may plead this agreement as a full and consummate bulwark to any suit brought in contravention of this promise.

14. Severability:
I concur that, should any provision or aspect of this agreement be found to be unenforceable, all remaining provisions of the agreement will remain in full force and effect.

15. Governing Law:
I understand and concur that if there is any dispute concerning my participation in the program or the interpretation of this Agreement, any such discrepancy shall be tenacious in accordance with the laws of the State of California.

16. Entire Agreement and Modification:
The terms and conditions of this agreement represent my consummate understanding of the parties hereto with regard to my participation in the program, thereby superseding any anterior or contemporaneous understandings I may have had with the SF on this subject, whether indicted or oral, and cannot be transmuted or amended in any way without the inscribed concurrence of both the SF and me.

17. Binding Authority and Independent Evaluation:
I have meticulously read this acquiescent and plenarily understood its contents. I further concur and acknowledge that I had an opportunity to consult with counsel of my choice prior to executing this agreement. Additionally, I understand that this agreement shall be binding upon my successors, heirs, and assigns. I do hereby understand that this acquiescent is a relinquishment of liability, including but not constrained to liability for negligence and a hold innocuous acquiescent, and I hereby consent of my own free will.

18. Other Releases:
This Agreement is in agreement with and does not revoke or modify any other agreement or release which I may execute in connection with the abroad outreach program.

19. Electronic Signature:
Electronic and digital signatures are enforceable under Federal Law. This agreement may be executed by electronic transmission, and such electronic signature (eSignature) will constitute an original signature for all purposes. You understand and concur that your eSignature executed in conjunction with the electronic submission of your application will be legally binding and will be considered sanctioned by you.

20. Consent:
I have read and fully understood this waiver of liability and participation. I am fully aware that this waiver of liability and release contains assumption of risk, waiver of liability, and an agreement to indemnify the releases. I certify that I am above eighteen (18) years and competent to execute this waiver of liability and release and participation. I certify that I have read the above information and hereby consent to all of the foregoing provisions.
© 2024, Starosy Foundation. Website By Danisoft Solution.

Starosy Foundation is a 501(c)(3)
charitable organization and all gifts
are tax deductible to the full extent
allowed by the law. TAX ID
Number: 83-2575359

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