What We Do

Education & Vocational Training

Education & Vocational Training

In Starosy Foundation, we help to support out of school children and send them back to school and also provde a form of vocatioal training for widows and the less priviledged in hard to reach areas. Readmore
Medical & Psycho-Social Support

Medical & Psycho-Social Support

Over the years, Starosy Foundation has been able to organize several free medical outreach programs to benefit the masses in some hard to reach areas in the north east, Nigeria. Know More
Caring For The Homeless & Needy

Caring For The Homeless & Needy

The mission of Starosy Foundation since inception has been that of showing love and care; we dont only identify the needy and homeless of the society, we feed, cloth and provide shelter for them. Know More

Some Videos of Our Outreaches



Our Vision

Starosy Foundation (SF) is a California-based 501(c)3 tax-exempt charitable organization whose aim is to address the holistic needs of the underprivileged around the globe. The name, Starosy is coined from Star(Latin for Stella) and Osy, the shortened version of Ositadinma (Igbo for It shall be well from henceforth) Readmore

Educational Support
we help to support out of school children and send them back to school.
Care For The Needy
We dont only identify the needy and homeless, we feed and provide shelter for them. Know More
Medical Support
We organize several medical outreach programs to benefit the masses.
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Our Core Values and Goals

Our Aims and Objectives

Provide Accomodation
To provide accommodation and nutrition for orphans and homeless children.
Medical Outreach For All
To provide medical and psycho-social support for abandoned children.
Hope For The Orphans
To operate an orphanage home that would care for vulnerable children and orphans.
Educational & Vocational Support
To provide educational and vocational support for abandoned children.
To Bring A Ray of Hope.
To bring hope, peace, and joy to the orphans, youth, and families.
Girl Child Education
To advocate for the prevention of teenage pregnancy and education of girls.

TOGETHER We Can Change The World

© 2024, Starosy Foundation. Website By Danisoft Solution.

Starosy Foundation is a 501(c)(3)
charitable organization and all gifts
are tax deductible to the full extent
allowed by the law. TAX ID
Number: 83-2575359

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